Counseling for dating and Relationships online across California and Maryland

Understand and heal from painful patterns.

Do you have a history of chronically being in a relationship, or generally feeling a longing to be in one? Or do you find yourself wondering why you are often single, deeply yearning to be in a partnership, and then feeling suffocated as a potential romantic partner enters your life? Maybe you are currently in a relationship and you would like individual support. 

Have relationships in your life have felt as they are missing something, or possibly missing a lot? You look around you and dream of having the relationships that others seem to have. You feel frustrated and want to break the patterns that you keep finding yourself in as you form and maintain relationships in your life.

Does it sometimes feel like you may never have what you long for in a relationship?

does this sound like you?

Other relationships in your life may also be a struggle, you may find that you get triggered in your communication and connection with family members, at work, and that conflict can rattle you for hours or even days. The difficulty in your relationships may be affecting your sleep, your anxiety levels, increasing depression and decreasing your overall quality of life. You feel overwhelmed and know that something has to change. The kind of relationships that you have found yourself in are not the kind of relationship that you desire longterm, and you are not sure how to break these patterns. 

You long for a satisfying romantic relationship and the pain of not having one is weighing on you, more and more, as time goes on. 

 Imagine a deep knowing that you are deserving of the love that you seek. 

Imagine walking into a crowded room, knowing and fully owning your inherent value.

what if...

Building self-love and self-compassion, and falling in love with all parts of you, supports you in having the confidence to fully show yourself to someone else, through the lens of deep healthy self-love. As you build your self-confidence, you will become less accepting of unhealthy, unloving, unsupportive dating and relationship experiences. With increased self-love, you know which connections grow you, add value and a feeling of deep connection and meaning in your life. 

Relationship therapy can support you in seeing your value in the world, in partnership, and in friendship.

You will share your long-term vision of what you hope for personally in a relationship, what would feel loving, satisfying and supportive to you. As a therapist, I draw from multiple therapeutic orientations in relationship therapy, but especially Attachment Therapy, Relational Therapy, and Family Systems among others. I am trained in and aware of Codependence, insecure attachment styles, Love Addiction, and Love Avoidance among others. You are the expert on you and my goal is to be supportive of you as you break patterns, deepen your self-love, and set healthy boundaries so that you thrive and begin building a relationship that supports you in feeling alive, desired, loved and chosen.

In relationship therapy, we will work together to understand your history in relationships.

  • Learn to love yourself more, and you will grow to expect the same of others
  • Set beautiful boundaries that are supportive of you and aligned with your dreams
  • Build a healthy reciprocal relationship that helps you to feel most alive
  • Identify your patterns in relationships that are not working
  • Learn to communicate your wants and needs clearly, knowing that you are deserving and worthy of having them met

In therapy together I will support you to:

Know that you are also worthy of the quality of love and care that you give so freely.